since 2023
Spokeswoman of NatLife of the Gutenberg Academy.
since 2021
Program officer Bachelor of Science Chemistry, JGU.
since 2018
University spokeswoman of the Graduate School of the Max Planck Graduate Centre with the University Mainz.
Chairwoman German Chemical Society local section "GDCh"
since 2017
Spokeswomen of the Trilateral Research Project “Multifunctional molecular materials - bridging magnetism and luminescence” by the Volkswagen Foundation.
since 2016
Member of the Gutenberg Academy.
since 2016
Spokeswoman of the Young Researchers College Spin+X
since 2016
Member of the advisory board of the Collaborative Research Center 173:
Spin+X: Spin in its collective environment
Host for Humboldt Guest Researcher Prof. Dr. T. Stamatatos, Brock University
since 2014
Member of the BMBF/DAAD Spintronics Network and Exchange Program of JGU, Tohoku and Seoul National University
since 2012
Member of the advisory board of the Graduate School of Excellence: MAterials Science IN Mainz, MAINZ
since 2007
Faculty member of the Graduate School of Excellence: MAterials Science IN Mainz, MAINZ
Equal opportunity commissioner of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Member of the faculty and member of the advisory board of the Graduate Class of Excellence MATCOR "Strongly Correlated Quantum Systems: Experiments and Simulation on Molecules, Ultra-cold Quantum Gases, and Materials with Strong Electronic Correlations"
Organization of the annual national meeting on coordination chemistry in Mainz
Member of the DAAD selection committee for outgoing postdoctoral fellows
Member of the faculty council chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Organization of the European ‘Materials Research Society’, E-MRS, spring Conference, May 2007 in Strasbourg (Symposium R: ‘Design, characterization and modeling of molecule-based magnetic materials’
Guest editor ‘Solid State Science’ special issue ‘molecule-based materials’
since 2006
Deputy chairperson of the examination committee in chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
since 2005
Erasmus contact person for the subject Inorganic Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
since 2005
Member of the selection committee ‘Ada Lovelace mentoring in natural sciences‘
since 2005
Manager for the subject bioinorganic chemistry at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz